Entertaining but more holes then swiss cheese.
So... The film starts with a good premise and builds suspense in some areas. However it quickly becomes farfetched and ridiculous for the most of it.
1. The biggest issue for me is the killers wife. When she suspects her husband is The Butcher she tips off the police where he will be through a ripped receipt for the tickets. However, she failed to give his name, description or even a photo which would have made the arrest alot easier especially as there were 3000 men at the concert which police had to painstakingly eliminate from their enquiry. Also with some common sense from the wife he could have been arrested at home to save the elaborate trap. Finally if she suspects her husband is a killer why on earth would she send her daughter to a concert with him regardless if she feels he won't harm her.
2. Alot of the killers ability to avoid detection is the concert staff stupidity he is able to manipulate and steal stuff to get into areas and disguise himself and get information of code words etc. However, you think with the heightened need for security things like this would be water tight and the employees would have been briefed to ensure they report any public asking too many questions or trying to get information.
3. The large police presence is completey unnecessary! You hear the profiler say that he won't react under pressure if he were to create a disturbance; in the same idea the large police presence won't make any difference to his behaviour (even though it seems to at times which you'd again think police would be looking for) anyway it would have been easier if everything seemed status quo and had undercover police rather (but again if his wife was more useful they would have known who to look for and grab him when he arrives)
There are more but I will skip these as they are not as obvious so could be overlooked and get to the other bigger ones.
4. What happens to the driver? The singer tells him to call the police but after that he is nowhere to be seen when the police arrive at the house. Even with the family outside he doesn't check she's ok or even goes to the house when she messages go to the police.
5. She has the killers phone so knows the gas can't be released. However, the singer gets her followers to get adults and go to the house where the kidnapped person is knowing full well that lethal gas could be released even though she has the phone that can do it remotely can't deny the possibility that the killer would have had something perhaps booby trapped. So she put many more at risk.
6. The police take ages to breach the house and for some reason leave a swat uniform lying around for him to put on.
7. When the police finally do apprehend him they all use tazers he apparently managers to attack one of the swat team however I'm not sure if this is in his mind as the officer or his condition is not mentioned after and he is topless when tazered but it takes three to take him down. He was also drugged previously but that seems to wear off in five minutes going from subdued to being able to withstand tazers and attack people. Anyway after the first tazer or two failed or when he attacks the officer they don't use lethal force with fire arms I don't know they also let him go to his daughter's bike allowing him to some how break something off without any of them seeing it.
Overall not a great film