This movie features the lives of many characters, a boxer, two hitmen, a mob boss and 2 robbers. A focus of the film, the movie contains non linear plot line, where the action and events in the story stem from the lives of the people mentioned above and their interactions with each other occurring in different parts of the story and not necessarily in chronological order. Overall, you could look at this movie as a reflection on redemption, however you get as much of the philosophical side of the story that you put into it. To me, the movie didn’t seem to have too much of a goal or point or message, rather just an entertaining story about the lives of these interesting people. There are some very funny, entertaining, and engaging scenes and the movie is very fun to watch, as for how much you may or may not get out of it, or how much meaning you think that it has, that is up to you. What makes this movie really good is the out of the box film and story line style, so if you understand that going into the movie and are still intrigued, this is going to be a good movie for you.