Visually appealing and well cast. However the story and character development leave much to be desired. And the "big" fight scene was over the top CGI.
Diana would never sacrifice an innocent to keep Steve, so having her struggle with that "dilemma" brought up an issue with her Morality. Made me lose respect for the character. Especially with Steve inhabiting another man's body, then having he and Diana be intimate was morally repugnant. Tantamount to rape.
Max Lord's character fueled some very horrific things but there was no real passion behind it. It was simply greed. The "truth" scene and the final scene with his son (which really fell flat) didn't provide a significant look into his motivations to satisfy the audience's need to understand his motivations. This caused his Redemption to lack poignancy. He was a villain because they needed a villain, but the audience was left hard pressed to identify with him on any level.
Barbara's motivation was understandable and she would have made a significantly better villain.
The armor of Asteria was touted as armor made by the sacrifice of all the Amazon's armor. It was beautiful and looked impressive. And was a huge let down. After all the build up of the power of this armor it crumpled like tinfoil.
The lack of continuity regarding the taking back of wishes leaves you totally confused.
The lack of consequences for actiosn is a little morally ambiguous as well. It says that no matter what you do as long as you "take it back" its all ok.
While I understand the significance of Diana's speech to the world about truth, as the climax of the movie it was very anticlimactic.
Superhero movies usually have more action. Though this move had a significant amount of death and destruction, this movie lacks meaningful fight scenes. A female superhero sequel could have been powerful, poignant, full of action and sentiment. But this one comes off as chick flicky and sentimental. Which makes you wonder if female superheroes are destined to revert to girly sentimental lovestories every time.