Season 8 is really..... terrible. Elizabeth has become a selfish, ignorant, weak, and boring character. I liked her in the first season or two. But as the show progresses she becomes worse and worse. And the love triangle, don’t even get me started on that. Why is she leading Lucas on when we KNOW it’s gonna be Nathan??? Obviously Lucas is the best choice. But of course since Nathan and Elizabeth have so much in common(being boring, brown haired, and white), you can tell their gonna end up together. There is almost no diversity in the cast. They have one black family just because they want to be seen as “diverse” and “accepting” when in reality it’s the opposite. So o won’t be purchasing season 9!
Also, a message to hallmark or whoever the heck is making this show. Make Elizabeth choose. We’re sick of the love triangle and no it’s not mysterious, or interesting anymore. It’s just boring and annoying. Make her choose.