I'm rating this a 2 based off the fact that I have not played FOTF (Face Of The Franchise) 1st off, franchise returns in the same mediocre way, but decides to completely ruin the best thing in franchise, which is scouting. In this Madden 21 copy we have regional scouts, which sounds fun right? Wrong, the way they do it is so not worth it. Matchmaking in online is, of course broken this Madden what do you expect, especially in MUT (Madden Ultimate Team) when you can be new to this game mode and you go on to face a 99 overall team. Superstar KOs the same, yard sucks again and this game has lost its charm ever since Madden 09. You might be saying "why do you have the game then?" And my answer is game pass on Xbox so don't worry, EA has not gotten a single dime from me. Do I expect a rebound on Madden 23? Not really, and the reveal of the overalls were stupid! Anyways I'll be back on Madden 23 when it releases, but I'm done venting for today.