From boring fight scenes, to emotionless, forgettable characters that you couldn’t care less about, it’s quite sad to see what Star Wars has become. After 2 episodes I have found myself wondering what the point of this show is. The main characters are the most lifeless and uninteresting bunch from any Star Wars media ever produced. Even the aliens in the background that don’t speak are more intriguing. You can’t get much more lame than a ‘villain’ in a black neck gaiter saying “Attack me with all your power” to every Jedi she comes across.
As far as the fight scenes, who would have thought that at the absolute peak of the Jedi order, they were being contested by a random girl with a couple of knives. It’s a want to be Kung Fu show, but the irony is nobody wants it to be. Just give us lightsabers, it’s not very hard to make a Star Wars fan happy when there are lightsabers.
I’ll be watching the third episode, which will probably be the final nail in the Disney Star Wars coffin for me. A sad day for such a big fan. There’s only one way for them to come back from this…
Help us George Lucas, you’re our only hope.