I am now addicted to u guys. I want u see you every day u family ♥️♥️ Cant forget you guys... Really made me smile... Want to see you again together please try freinds sequel... I want u guys back really..♥️♥️♥️ not just comedy but u made me cry. Specially ross and rachel♥️♥️ur love story should not be stopped. Seriously guys no other show can beat you... U have give us some great memories which i cant forget. ♥️ If i get a chance in my life. I wish i could see you guys together in front of ny eyes drinking coffee in central perk and chandler making funny but not understandable by human being jokes. 😔😔 I love you sooo much guys....Seriously you guys just teach us about love laugh and family..😔♥️♥️