First book meh 2nd book not bad 3rd ughhhhhh.
I liked the idea of expanding the PJ world with other mythology but it felt like after the success of PJ Rick really wanted to just to make the same thing but Norse. I think Rick spent a lot of time unsure of what to write and threw random bs in to fill gaps.
Magnus is not a very interesting main character. His character feels very bland. His swords humour falls flat...a lot.
Samira being Muslim but also living the Norse mythology life was and interesting take and most the time worked well to see how she balances the faith while experiencing mythologies. It felt in the first book her was a bit wissy washy with wearing her hijab and it would have made more sense if she maybe was struggling with her faith or she was a Muslim who didn't wear it all the time. She takes it off in front of majority of men other than Amir and to my understanding of hijab "rules" is that someone who isn't female or the girls Maharam isn't allowed to see for modesty purposes. This does improve in the 2nd and 3rd book but she still takes it off in front of Magnus and other guys.Maybe because they are technically dead?
Alex i get the point of he/she was more diversity plus a romantic interest for Magnus but they also felt mostly flat. Having she/he be the sarcastic character was fine and worked well for the character. Overall not that great. I do like that he/she was useful in fights.
Blitz and Hearth. good support characters no complaints really.
other floor 19 characters very unimportant to most the plot. The side campers are CHB felt more useful and interesting.
Gods and giants - very boring not enough deph to their characters. too much time on the giants and the guest right stuff. Njord is just overall weird.
world building was flat. barley explored the hotel despite over 100 floors and a bowling ally but all we see is them just sleeping eating and a couple practice fights there. Most worlds not really explored. Alfheim being a copy and paste of earth lacks imagination.
PJ and Annabeth cameos feel very pointless and could have been done a lot better. Really show Magnus their world and vice versa which could have helped with world building.
Rick is capable of so much better. so I do not recommend this series and it's not needed. Stick to the PJ books and not the other world spin offs.