Horrendously bad. After watching people on foot out run velociraptors and then struggle to shake them off on a speeding motorbike. Watching a plane on fire crash into a frozen lake , remain practically intact and then the two occupants emerge as though they're about to go down the catwalk in Milan I was losing the will to live lol.
I mean do writers and Directors break crayons writing and and creating story boards for these films? I despair with many action films these days, as they are just lazy, with no depth, feel or realism. It's all about the CGI and effects, admittedly very good, but films just can't stand alone on that. I mean just how many crashes, bangs and explosions can you watch?
Which is why it was refreshing when The Joker came out. A move away from Marvel CGI City and a movie based on a good script and good acting.