Even though I consider myself to be a moderate who slants towards conservative Republican, I "used" to record and watch MTP every week because I do want fair and balanced news information and ONLY watching FOX News would slant my view so I try and see both sides of everything. I did catch the MTP special piece on 1/29/19 regarding "Alternative FACTS" and must say it was a very good piece and the executive editors of the WAP and NYT were/are and seem like very credible guys I can count on for good news journalism. But here is my reason of why I stopped watching MTP and why this particular piece losses all credibility with me and I'm sure with all fair-minded viewers, this piece was typical MTP, you only received the view-point of the one side and that is from the "Main Stream Liberal Media", there was no other "side" or view point given from the "other side". This is why I now watch "Face The Nation" on CBS instead of MTP on NBC and get my daily news from the BBC or PBS. I like to think that I am well rounded in my knowledge and viewpoint and have no room in my life for one-sided thinking.