absolutely amazing series !! every time i would finish an episode, i could NOT wait for the next episode to come out. burak deniz was literally amazing, he nailed the role of marasli, absolutely amazing performance by him.. alina boz as well. both of them acted with such emotion and.. its just an amazing show truly 🙏
must watch series !!
my ONLY complaint was the ending,, it was horrible, i dont want to spoil it for those who haven’t watched the show yet, so i wont say exactly what happened.. but i was truly disappointed by the ending
and not only was it a very bad ending, but also, i didnt really understand what happened.
for those of you who havent watched the show, you might say that “if uou didn’t understand the ending, how come youre saying it was a bad one?”. i dont blame you if you said that, but once you finish the whole series.. im pretty sure you’ll understand 👍
but other than that.. truly AMAZING show !!!