I didn't enjoy this movie very much. When it first came out I watched it and thought I loved it, but I've just watched it again today and realised any positive feeling I had about the movie was entirely emotionally influenced and not critical at all. Watching it a second time I realised so many issues about the story, it was so rushed, and they somehow managed to turn a movie that encouraged Black pride and empowerment into something where they pitted two communities of colour against each other??? There were so many ways this movie could have gone, so many storylines they could've taken, so many things they could have done with the characters especially with the incredible introduction of Namor and his people. But I think Marvel ran out of creative thinking skills from the perspective of people of colour in this movie, it was extremely upsetting to see that of all the routes they could have taken, they chose the one where the actual villain of the story is America who desperately wants to control vibranium, but somehow the only two nations with vibranium which also happen to be nations of colour with rich history and culture and so much alike end up at war with each other????? Please. This was a failed attempt at a good story of two people's of colour in my opinion, especially considering what we had just come from in the first movie. The queen dying was also rushed and uncessary... Namor said "It could've been different", he was right, their entire story SHOULD have been different. If they make a third movie, I really hope they fix this and take it in a better direction. The conflict had in Wakanda Forever in short just made no sense and was forced and unecessary (again, in my opinion).