When someone surrounds himself with greatness, what can you say. Henry has been a veteran biker and I have followed him ever since he visited Cape Town. I love his shows especially where he brought and sold motor related jumble to raise enough money to purchase an old American car with Alan and Skid. Alan and Skid being every bit as important and involved in things, being the engineering geniuses. Henry's personality still commanding the limelight though which I think suits everyone.
Alan Millyard and Skid (Guy Willison) both true engineering geniuses themselves, especially Alan who has made some amazing creations that just seem impossible especially when you watch him with a mere common or garden variety hacksaw in his shed cutting cylinder heads and joining them together to make amazing creations like turning a 4 cylinder motorbike into a 6 cylinder or a 6 cylinder into a V12 and more. A true engineering genius with no other equal.
Still getting to know Sam his other mate but also seems to be a humble genius with classic motorcycles running through his veins and a staunch friend to Henry.
These guys deserve all the viewership they get. True geniuses but at the same time, down to earth genuine really nice guys. Made TV worth watching again. I follow them on You-tube as well which has given me an even bigger respect for them all.
Henry, with motorcycles running through his DNA I feel playing down his genius in things allowing his mates to share the limelight they deserve, but definitely being the hub and pivot that allows these guys to show their greatness to the world. A genuine friend to all these guys and a proud husband and father which does not always come through in the TV programs, but scratch under the surface and everyone has only praise for him and his friendship.
I look forward to all and any programs still to come and still enjoy watching the re-runs like Shed and Buried, Find It Fix it Flog it. and many more.
A true under appreciated British hero of the classic motorcycle heritage who does so much to highlight the importance of protecting and renovating motorcycle history.
Highly recommended to anyone and his wife who enjoy honest and entertaining TV programs.