Failed at explaining their message. Contains spoilers sorry below. Songs were not great very unmemorable, no comedy or good jokes to break things up.
The “villain” was actually good and created a safe society and the citizens were asked to freely give up their wishes. The idea would have made more sense if the society was oppressed from the beginning and the wizard had an evil or selfish reason for what he was doing. The main character ruined the whole society because there should have been something more. She literally created the villain thru her behaviour and actions. Life is not perfect but they had a great society it just wasn’t “enough” they needed more and I find that such a selfish message to send to anyone. If there is true oppression there needs to be change and rightfully so. But if things are well, people are treated well they have everything they need but it’s not “enough” because all your other basic needs are met it’s selfish to implode a whole society especially when all you’ve known is this world. Go out into the world and see how hard other people have it then maybe you will appreciate what you have. Anyways thanks to Disney our whole family united in how poorly the plot was portrayed and how the selfish actions of a naive young character created a villain. Good people get pushed to do bad things when threatened. It was irresponsible to teach things everything ends happily in this scenario, give real world lessons that actually make sense. Love Elemental if you want to see a good new Disney movie.