I'll get straight to the point faster than this film could. If you enjoy endless scenes of a guy sitting in multiple vehicles whilst possessing the ability to not get confused using his multiple IDs whilst crossing many states, countries, all topped off with mindless monotone random monologues then this film is for you. WARNING⚠️ THE PACE NEVER PICKS UP!
Micheal Fassbender is an excellent actor but I think he excepted this script just to keep the light bill on. I was excited to see Tilda Swinton and her character was the only interesting one in the whole of the film itself albeit her graceful moment in this movie wasn't enough that's for sure.
I'm all for a decent monologue but the beginning was like a litmus test to see if you'll stay, fast forward or leave. I found the character (The Killer) was giving it large but then missed the intended target. As we Brits say "all mouth and no trousers"🇬🇧. The rest of the film was like a tick sheet exercise and I felt like the ending was anticlimactic, dissapointing and gave one the "oh its finished, was that it?" moment.
Certainly wasn't as intriguing as the ads for this film portray and that is 2 hours I certainly won't get back.