Sorry folks. The history in this movie is rushed, disjointed, and sometimes just inaccurate. I suppose a certain amount of license needs to be allowed to filmmakers, but look at "Oppenheimer" if you want a dramatic movie about significant history that is true to the reality of it and STILL dramatic and moving. This movie is not that. Not because of the individual performances which are fine, but because the focus of the biography is so limited to mostly the relationship between Napoleon and Josephine. There is no real mention of WHY Napoleon was such a feared military commander other than a throwaway line about his ability with artillery. There is no mention of the political side where he introduced new law to France. There is no real mention of WHY the other European powers feared that the French Revolution would spread to remove their Monarchies motivated them to fight France. I could go on, but I trust you get the point. As usual, the cinematography was stunning, and the battle scenes were done well, although I have to question the depiction of Napoleon participating in a futile cavalry charge at Waterloo. Folks, the man was 46 in 1815 and in any case always ran his battles from the back as you would expect of a military genius. He stopped being directly involved before 1800. That was reflected in the Austerlitz battle scenes, although the impression is given that a large number of men were drowned by retreating across the ponds that were shelled by the French. The numbers here may have been exaggerated. In any case, this film has decided that the British version of Napoleon as a Hitler-esque historical figure is the one that has been chosen to portray. Read some about him if you want to really get an idea of what this conflicted man was really like. Take the film with a LOT of grains of salt.