Painful to watch... feels as though it was written by a white person desperately attempting to relate the plight of black america to the audience... This virtue signalling miserably misses its intended mark...
To a hammer everything looks like a nail. Ms Ellis-Connor has a gigantic chip on her shoulder and makes a bad situation worse by looking for any excuse to become triggered by imaginary microaggressions... obviously shes rightfully concerned about her missing son but since she is supposed to have a PhD its safe to assume shes capable of understanding procedures... her over the top antics with officer Larkin and interactions with her ex-husband make it obvious why her husband left her and the kind of tension she would bring to every argument she takes part in... her attitude results in a self fulfilling prophesy that the world is against her... if you have a victimhood mentality then this movie is for you, otherwise you'll likely not make it past the first 20 minutes.