If you want what's really happening.....watch FOX. This bonfire started when President Trump defeated Hilary Clinton. This is the kindling that started the fire which continued to burn. The President should be given four more years for the mistreatment he has had to endure. When Nancy tore up his speech in front of America it was so UNAMERICAN! I am an American raised to respect people. As a senior we are being left out in the rain. Our Governor has moved us to the bottom of the "shot pile" and now we learn vaccine had to be thrown out. Because of my age I was in line now he jumped the age to 75! As I said back to the bottom of the pile. I hope he puts that in his next book. With all the economic problems with COVID we got 1.3% COLA raise. With what my Medicare has gone up my $6.67 is gone! As for Twitter I don't partake. Facebook I do but not an everyday user. I can do without it and if it takes that I will. Keep on plugging away FOX I'm behind you.