Have you watched The Good Place? That quirky, funny comedy with Kristen Bell, Ted Danson, etc? It makes gentle fun of religion while saying a lot about what it means to be a good and moral person.
Netflix did it (mostly) right with The Good Place. So why on earth did they follow that up with this mess on the same theme?
It's bloody awful. Just drivel. The acting is forced, the humor non-existent. No wonder they didn't allow critics a preview. Just delayed the inevitable, since they have it now and did a great job panning it. High five, long-suffering professional reviewers!
I made it through one episode but it took that long to get my jaw off the floor from the shock Netflix spent money on this. The 5-star Stepford reviews are manufactured. They parrot the exact same nonsense.
Go ahead and try it! Then go back and rewatch The Good Place, instead.