Such low behavior. All are questionable, do NOT function as friends, (they aren't) & all are hypocrits, a few more than others.
Why bring back drunk, mean, clueless, & hypocritical Denise Richards?? She adds nothing, but detracts from the main cast, and can't keep facts straight, usually because she's so out of it. Crystal adds nothing but naivete & makes things up to have anything to say in her rare monologs, except educating about her own history.
Why not have equal airing of monologues, instead of constantly listening to holier-than-thou, Garcelle. So tired of her victim role, and her superiority, know it all attitude, when she is constantly passive aggressive, & goes after others but rarely is held accountable for any of her "verbal meaness & ugly pot stirring". Sutton is mean, can't put cogent sentences together & so conceited, even though her $$ came from divorce! Plus worse dresser, other than Crystal.