I read this book many years ago it was quite groundbreaking in its compilation of research which today is now becoming more accepted in the main stream of science, where we are begining to see scientists wake up to the fact that nearly every man made chemical have disastrous effects on all mamalian physiology which can lead to cancers & many other diseases, sometimes decades after exposure, particularly if a developing fetus is exposed to even miniscule amounts. The facts are governments are in the pockets of these large chemical /pharmaceutical companies & won't legislate to protect people or anything else in our continually more polluted environment. Glyphosphate and many other chemicals have been found to be almost impossible to remove from the body and have permenant disrupting side effects which can lead to a myriad of symptoms & cancers. People have to realise that we have evolved with plant chemicals, bacteria & viruses, but 100% of man made chemicals have NEVER been tested for health & safety inutero, in adolescents, or in adults. the Chemical companies pay media big money in advertising to say they are indispensable, while in fact ALL chemicals are Trojhan Horses and are dstroying not only our endocrine & nervous systems but our DNA and the DNA of every living thing on the planet.