Look, I can finish 06. It's really not the worst thing ever. But it's still pretty bad. The level design while interesting is way too open ended for it's own good, copying way too many of Adventures mistakes. I can control sonic well. But everyone else feels off. Sonics campaign I CAN have some fun with. It isn't overall good, but it's easilly the most fun part. Shadows portions are actually not as flawed? but don't have the highs of sonics and just come across as rather boring, much like his previous game. Silver is probably the most interesting from a concept level. But the whole game and the specific mechanic he uses are completely unfinished. Look. I kind of like this game because I enjoy playing it, but at the same time. I'm really not going to come out and say this game is 'objectively good' because while I like how it plays. I hate the game with how it represents the series. There is quality to be found in sonic games. Sonic games are experimental. But this game has no focus, no direction. I found Adventure 1 to be of poor quality and Heroes to be mediocre but just because it's been spoke about to death. Doesn't mean I'll try to defend it. The game is quite simply bad. While I find much worse games in the series to play. ESPECIALLY Sonic Boom: The Rise Of Lyric which is just the actual worst because it's a game that has nothing. 06 it not only lacking in polish. But it isn't a game. It's a rather impressive tech demo for what could have been.I really like the graphics. The music is alright if a little overpraised I find and it has some nice gimmicks. But I will never understand why people feel the need to stop and talk about this game like there's others who they'd like to call out for some reason on both sides. Just do you. If you want to defend it, I'll happily read what you have to say. A YouTube channel I know called premydaremy explained why he loved it. And I rather enjoyed his video and thought he brought up some fair points. That said. I wish people had the same nuance in discussion as he does. If people didn't make such a big deal about this game, honestly? I probably wouldn't have hated it. But since so much damage has been done to the series with people hating Forces (as do I) and missing the ambition of 06. I'm rather confused to what fans want out of the series at this point. In my belief there has been quality or at least comptent 3D sonic games in the past (Adventure 2, Heroes, Unleashed, Colors, Generations, even Lost World and as poorly designed as it is: Forces) and that there's plenty of merit to be found in the others.3D sonic does not have to suffer because of one bad game and one that's mildly dissapointing, unless you have a negative mindset in general. In that case, I can only ask you to try to change that. I strongly believe that if we go in to media with more positive mindsets, it will lead to loads of improvement for the future all around. Even if what we have to deal with especially with games, is rough.