I was disappointed. I have no intentions to rewatch this. It’s a kids movie and I do not like the use of evil or appearing evil (Benson). The storyline was good initially and then after they arrived at the antique shop the movie was slow! I don’t understand why Bo didn’t reunite and go with them. I don’t like that past secondary characters (slinky, Jessie, bullseye, etc) had nearly no air time. The storyline was just a mess I felt. Entertaining, sure. Funny at times, yes. Bonnie was to care for Woody per Andy’s assignment. Woody being a lost toy by choice is out of character. Such little time was spent on some of the new characters that it was hard to fall in love with them. However I did like the character development of Gaby Gaby. But due to the evil-ish nature (although executed well) will be a movie that I won’t have my daughter watch again until she is older to talk about things with.