This show would've gotten at least four stars. But, instead of just focusing on the story, characters and plot development. The producers had to focus on politics. . .is it not ruining good story telling for all of you guys too? I'm not really political. And have NO problems with LGBT relationships. And, when a show or movie shows diversity/empowerment/acceptance of those that are different than the norm NATURALLY, it feels so good. You literally FEEL it. But, when it's shoved down your throat the way this show forces all of these absolutely absurd LGBT/women/minority empowerment moments that are so unnatural to the story.. it just makes me wanna gag. If there is a scene where a women that is told she can't finally overcomes, a minority being victimized finally gets justice, or a persecuted LGBT person is able to even the odds and it impacts the story, and it gives you that, YEAH! DO IT! feeling. It's done right. But with the sandman I swear it's like the directors/writers/whoever just stopped the story at random points, and said, okay, we need some LGBT, minority and female empowerment inserted here. . .anndd now let's get back to the story. We're all so tired of it. If I wanted to watch TV for activism propaganda I would watch politics and the news all day. If I want a story I'll watch shows or movies. Just not any future seasons of Sandman or any other shows/movies that have the same directors/producers that do this nonsense.