This movie was amazing, but the ending ruined the whole movie. This type of movie deserved a good ending. Killing Kong at the end completely ruined this movie. It truly made this movie a one time watch only. Meaning you will not care to see it again. How do you make such a great movie and give it the worst ending. So through the whole movie, I was enjoying it until that ending. Witch just pisses you off. So because of that ending I won’t be watching this movie again. They should of had two different versions of the ending. So the watchers, could choice witch ending they prefer to watch. Which obviously, everybody would have chose for him to live. That’s what would have made it a repeat movie to watch. Making an amazing movie, then killing the movie by that stupid ending. This would have been one of those movies that people spoke about for generation. This would have been one of those movies people enjoyed watching more then ones. But instead the Ending just pisses you off.