Morbius: A stunning film
Before I experienced morebiu s i was led astrray watching overhyped garbage like "the Godfather" or "Pulp Fiction" but now I know that i am truly a morbster at heart. i work at a small business as the social media director and though it would be a good idea to make a mroebius themed post on the instagram. I used the hashtag #MorbiusSweep and was fired. I may have lost my job and my girlfiend but my faith in morrobiugus is more improtant to me. I first saw the movie with my mother (who i live with) and she cried four times when i was cheering for Dr. mborester. I just know she loved the mivue. especially whem morbius defeated chuck norriS in area 51-- this was when mrobuis took me at surprise. because i never knew i could feel so many emotions at once. Now I Know Why Morbmama made more than 400 shekels in the first 10 minutes of its release. My only purpose in this life now is to hunt. Morbuiis was a hunter,, and je hunted peiople. BUT i will ebe the hunter of the Mornius haters. #Morbius Sweep #ILOVE MORBisu