Just watched the episode with Emma in Pembrokeshire. Fascinating. However, for me it raised many questions regarding wild living. How does Emma keep her belongings dry, year round, in Wales; how is food stored, prepared and cooked; does she wash herself and clothes with soap and how does that affect her stream and surrounding land; are hens eggs her only source of protein, or does she buy in sacks of pulses that need soaking? What prevents sinkage of her dwelling when the Welsh rains persist? How does she cope with the practicalities of living, caked in mud during the rainy months? Does she share her dwelling and bed with slugs, snails and their dark and damp loving friends?
I really am interested to learn the answers to these questions, and many others.
I am a similar age to Emma. I can’t help wondering how she endures the damp cold of wet Welsh autumns and winters.