Disgusting , They showed a wrong picture of the Arabs! This is inappropriate and absurd to the extreme. Research before directing the series,you Uneducated People
If you do not have information about Arabs and Muslims and their cultures, you can ask Google or do some research. But don't make such silly scenes that don't signify anything but that you're not smart enough to attract viewers from all countries. When we watch such scenes, we do not say,Oh, my God, that they love the Arabs or that they care about us. Rather, we are absolutely sure that you are very ignorant, do not have any information about us, and are not well educated. I think you are sure enough that your acting abilities will not be enough to attract the viewers, so you put on such silly scenes to grab attention to your show, right?
This is an insult to Arabs and Muslims, and I do not think we will accept it at all.