Firstly, the two songs will touch your soul! How beautifully the song 'Maula' has been portrayed. Just something that sticks with you forever.
So talking about the movie, the beginning gives you much hope to be highlighting the serious problems we Indians face like how the politicians mock us with their Hindu-Muslim agenda or we're all evenly crooked but just with different identities.
I appreciate that the movie didn't deliver any biased views. It shows us how the couple struggles to come out of the toxic ideologies followed by both the religions and does pay the price 'for trying to live a neutral and happy life'.
However, to cover all the problems, it somewhere lost its track. It might feel that the movie didn't really succeeds to portray everything in an order. Few things are too rhetoric.
Anyway, liked the movie. Gives you a good message and still one can relate because our country still hasn't gotten over the filthy mindset.