The movie is a romance of myth and fanatasy , from Mahabharat to Kalki Purana to Star Wars to Mad Max to Total Recall to Dune. The movie has it's moment of cinematic brillance like the scene where Sum 80 is taken to the 🌳 by the leader of the rebels and also the aftermath of the Mahabharata war. The robotic/prophetic parrot is a good touch into the myth of Kalki, wonder how many from the audience caught that?
Amitabh Bachchan shines throughout the space he is meant to be in. The introductory scene of the protagonist is too South Indianish, with extended scenes of his physique, that could had been completely scrapped off. Disha Pathani is irrelevant, maybe she will be relevant in the next installation.
Will I watch the sequel? Definitely Yes, because the cliff hanger needs to be resloved, especially after the protagonist is shown linked to Karna.