A nauseating movie. The cinematography is extremely bad. Have they filmed this with a smartphone? The camerawork gave me a headache so acute I can't bear to watch it any longer. The camera won't stop shaking for a second. Most of the shots are closeups on the characters face. We don't even get a chance to see the ambient and feel their lack of direction in the forest.
The acting is moderate, but the shallow characters make you gradually stop caring about their fate as the film slowly progresses and they do one stupid thing after another.
Many opportunities for plot development were wasted. The days pass by and nothing much happens. The suspense simply doesn't build up. When something interesting happens or the tension arises, it is suddenly disrupted and the scene cuts to the next day.
After a bear attack with very amateurish visual effects, the movie finally gains some ground in the thrilling final scenes, but the confusing, shaky and blurry camera ruins the experience altogether.