In the future humanity having begun to explore the Universe and master interplanetary spaceflight a bugger forward base in the asteroid Eros leads to war between the species that the humans narrowly win, resulting in the discovery of advanced alien technology, including gravity manipulation Graff and the other leaders of the school covertly work to isolate Ender from his fellow recruits and prevent him from growing too comfortable in his environmen. Ender quickly masters the game and dominates his opponents the school continually tries to break Ender down, first promoting him to command a new army composed of raw recruits, then pitting him against multiple armies at once but Ender's success continues. Ender's jealous ex-commander, Bonzo Madrid, draws him into a fight outside the simulation, and Ender, once again seeking to preemptively stop all future conflicts with Bonzo, unintentionally kills him. , Ender joins the colony program to populate one of the buggers' former worlds. There, he discovers the dormant egg of a bugger queen, who reveals that the buggers had initially assumed humans were a non-sentient race, for want of collective consciousness, but realized their mistake too late, and requests that Ender take the egg to a new planet to the leader of Earth and seventy-seven with a failing heart, recognises Ender as the author of The heaven Queen. When told that he is facing his final test, Ender finds his fleet far outnumbered by the buggers surrounding their queens' home world. Hoping to earn himself expulsion from the school for his ruthlessness, he sacrifices his entire fleet to fire a Molecular Detachment Device at the buggers' home world. The Device destroys the planet and the surrounding bugger fleet. Mazer informs Ender that the "simulations" he has been fighting were real battles, directing human spacecraft against bugger fleets via an ansible, and that Ender has won the war. Ender becomes more depressed on learning this, realizing that he has committed genocide. He requests Ender to write a book about him, which Ender titles The Hegemon The hegemon The combined works create a new type of funeral, in which the Speaker for the Dead tells the whole and unapologetic story of the deceased, adopted by many on Earth and its colonies. In the end, Ender and Valentine board a series of near light speed starships and visit many worlds, looking for a safe place to establish the unborn Hive Queen. Ender is brave, determined, but whether he is kind or mean changes as he progresses through Battle School. He likes to find consolation together with Valentine. On the opposite side, Peter is less friendly. If he was assigned the mission to kill someone, he might as well have done it. He even horrifies Valentine. All the boys and girl at Battle School behave differently. Some are friendly, some are unfriendly. Together, they create interesting relationships concerning Ender. Ender's Game has an interesting narrative style. Card has placed descriptions where appropriate, and he always narrates in an exciting manner. One way he provokes tension in the book is by having an unidentified narrator at the beginning of every chapter. At the beginning, the reader has no clue about who is narrating; at one time I suspected it being the Buggers which can be quite chilling, as the unknown narrator knows everything about Ender.