The worst FF game I have played, I can’t believe how boring it is, lucky it got a star, played for 8 hrs straight hoping it would get better, it didn’t, I’ve invested a lot more time since then and it hasn’t got much better, square E is moving further and further away from the things that made FF games the best RPG’s, this is just a button smashing hack and slash game, you can’t even upgrade party members, can’t level them up, can’t deck them out with better weapons or accessories or even choose who you want, you could literally run around with your eyes closed and smash buttons and not get killed, you don’t have to think at all, smash buttons and win, so hard to die, the quests are just so boring, the blacksmith is feeling down, talk to him and cheer him up quest complete, bring back summon on command, bring back turn base, bring back where you actually get to choose your party members, where you actually need a healer, a mage, a warrior, and have to think to win a fight, less and less spells, less and less equipment, so dissapointed, like I said you could literally play the game with your eyes closed, oh yeah and what happened to open world? You fast travel everywhere, doesn’t give you an option, I could go on and on but I think I’ve said my 2 cents worth. For the record im very nearly 50 and have played them all, FfVII and FfVIII will and always will be the best! The chocobo is useless, doesn’t run much faster than being on foot that’s if it does go faster, I have to stop, like I said I believe it is the worst one ever in my oppinion, they need to turn these around, oh yeah and the acting is terrible, academy award for over acting and over drama, the scenes are slow and boring.