Valnir Rok is a survival game set in Viking times, with a hint of fantasy as it has Goblins in set piece mines and a Dragon in a remote location. Players can chose between PVE and PVP. Both get threats in the form of Wolves and Bears - who will eagerly eat you given the chance, each are lone threats that patrol a certain path on different real time days. If you chose simply to gather supplies for living, your time will be spent using a variety of tools you make to gather stones, ore, wood, sticks for building and mushrooms to eat. You can also kill goats, stags and boars for their meat, hides and horns. Opportunities and threats move about on different real time days. There are many recipes to acquire which all take time and level of ability to harness. There are a series of quests that you can undertake, not compulsory, that give you rewards and points to increase your ability levels early on in your game. This game is still in the Alpha stage after 3 years of development, it is not yet polished, but is worth your time and money buying the game and playing alone or in a clan.