INSANEEEELY good! Percy is in character, Annabeth is in character, Grover is in character, everyrhings on point. There were a few strategically left out scenes, which makes 100% sense, considering they have to fit A LOT into just 30 or so minutes. The reason why the reviews aren't a straight 10/10 is because some people expected the show to be word for word, and that's just not how ADAPTATIONS work. if yall wanna write your own show, go ahead, but this is Rick's work of art. and to that guy, who pretty much said "real fans have read the books, and the positive reviews seem to be from people who havent" I guarantee you, WE HAVE ALL read the books. you're not the only person on earth who grew up with them lmao. we all miss certain scenes, but they captured the pjo-verse SO well, it's easy to ignore. this is literally 1/4 of the series, lets give it a chance!
I refuse to listen to negative reviews who enjoyed the show but just dislike annabeths skin color!! if her acting was stale, sure, but yall getting mad over melatonin is sad. this show is definitely worth the watch, even if you're not an avid fan.