The Double (2013) is a mind-bending movie that intrigued me as soon as I saw the trailer. The film is revolved around Simon (Jesse Eissenburgh- who plays a phenomenal role) who is targeted as 'creepy' at his workplace and is continuously ridiculed by his mother and is always ignored by the woman of his dreams (played by Mia Wasikowska.) As Simon is working one day, he is caught off guard when he sees the new arrival to his workplace, James. You come to realise that James and Simon are the exact physical double but something is not right as James has a completely different mindset. In fact, James is everything Simon wants to be, confident, charismatic and skilled when it comes to women. Continuing on, Simon acknowledges everything that James is doing, which is slowly taking over Simon's life. I thought this was an excellent movie and the best part was Jesse Eissenburgh's acting ,as he is able to pull of acting as two different people. As well as this, Richard Ayoade's direction in the movie was spectacular. This movie really hurts your head which makes you want to keep watching to see how it ends. If I were to rate this film in the alphabetical order, I would probably rate it a B-.