OMG THANK YOU!!! ITS SO NICE TO SEE A MOVIE ABOUT A GIRL WHO IS TALL INSTEAD OF FAT ACCEPTANCE OR SOMETHING. Tall girl bullying does exist and tall women are made to feel like they are not feminine enough, or are too intimidating, or just arent people that can be dated, or don't have curves (when you are tall, your body weight tends to distribute less to places, so you always look skinny) and conversely, small weight gains make you look like an ogre. Tall girls, beyond modelling are massively bullied by midgets of the world, especially fat midgets of the world. I wish this movie existed when I was 13, and made to stand with the boys in the back section, with no curves, I looked like a lamppost. Add to that I had short hair, so women (back then they were all like 4 ft) would accidently call me a dude. I was 5'9' at 13, and most of my asian school boys at their tallest were 5'8'. I felt like such a giant till I went abroad and suddenly, instead of being a freak, 5'9 girls were uncommon but normal. Contrary to most women, models make me happy and represent my beauty standards , and I feel model body types should be represented too. I was also extremely skinny so the only people I looked like were on runways, definitely not on streets, and I ate four times full sized meals a day, and was practically a carnivore. All my friends are now tall girls cause all of us are really rational and kind. Tiny girls have some form of napoleon complex, especially when they are fat and midgetish, they are like emotional terrorists, and they emotionally kick and bully people who are tall with burning hatred and spite.
Tall girls, especially tall skinny girls are the sweetest, most intelligent people on the planet. Now that I have suffered from the hands of the short midget women, no longer should I advocate for short women or fat woman or both rights, and if I hear one more comment about I should not wear high heels cause I will look like a giant, I will attack the midgets and make them projectile leap into a goalpost and start keeping a score.
Great movie. I related alot to Jodie, my date in high school was a best friend too. Guys literally are too intimidated asking you out, its true, I ended up getting all my high school crushes confessions after high school cause they kind of "grew into my height" and back then they felt they should not dare cause I was closer to the ceiling than them. Short/fat women, especially dwarf sized throw alot of shade at you. On bright side, men automatically think you are smarter and one of the guys, and you get leadership positions more, authority figures like you, and you get to be hall monitor or class representative alot.