What is wildly mistaken by those on equal grounds of ignorance as "powerful".. "simply brilliant" .."intelligent" and "groundbreaking", is the regurgitated and truly spectacularly out of touch ramblings of a man that finds himself suddenly and unexpectedly on the bottom of a growing societies' interest. Whether its completely missing the point about consent, because Nicki Minaj decided to make money with her image, or sensationalizing and exploiting the preventable deaths of the Trans communities most vulnerable - because "my grandpappy would have been real angry", Douglas manages to trip over every counterparty topic that infuriates the far-right. Yes, Douglas makes a mad dash to the shining moralization and pseudo common sense of the typical far right -ship poster, and does so in the cleanest way possible to avoid ties to the worst of his compatriots. Pick this up today if you want to give up on humanity.