Not a perfect film, but I rewatched it after seeing dark fate and this one is honestly much better. Script goes it’s own way, it doesn’t try to rehash or remix the original films. It doesn’t shove humor in there. While it does have some junky CGI in it (less than Dark Fate by a mile) the effects team did use some practical effects for the terminators and it generally looked great when they did. The t-600 terminator is a breath of fresh junkyard air in a universe of continuous t-1000 copycats.
So, why only 3 stars? It’s not a fantastic film, only a decent one.
Complaints I have would be when they used CGI it didn’t look great. Putting Arnold’s face in the film just for fan service was distracting because it looked fake. Why would all the t-800 terminators look like Arnold anyway? Doesn’t that defeat the whole point? Look, there’s Arnold again shoot he’s a terminator. In terminator 1 they used Arnold’s weightlifting buddy as another terminator and they could have done the same thing here.
I didn’t really get the giant Transformer Mech Terminator idea. This didn’t make sense, was too war of the worlds and just distracting.
some of the action scenes bothered me. Connor keeps getting thrown through the air by the terminator (is this the terminator’s only attack?) the chase just seemed silly and without tension.
Goes without saying that the ending was Real Weak. Connor survives an attack that would have killed someone and then needs a spare part from Marcus? It’s an ending that shouldn’t have happened, was unnecessary and just seemed forced.
I will also agree that while I like Danny elf man, the score would have been better if brad fiedel would have done it. The score is a little too big on orchestra and too light on electronica.
This one gets a higher score than the 2 stars I’d hand to dark fate, but it’s still middle of the road. There were some good ideas here but it’s a little all over the place with the script, effects, overly complicated plot points, some dragging and the music. Definitely not a 5 star film.