I get the whole 911 issue but why is it that no one cares what has become of the United States Marines at Camp LeJuene that were poisoned? I lost my mother to multiple forms of cancer after being stationed there, if I lift my shirt I have lost 6 ft of my stomache, I have PTSD , sleep apnea, neurological disorder, my stomache had to be removed and scrubbed before putting it back in, I have nerve damage and my list goes on to be topped off with a triple by pass and aneurysm, I can't do hardly anything without falling or losing my breathe, I went from 175 to 260 almost overnight. So many people are affected by this, so many miscarriages and the deaths have been painful and dragged out, I lost my life savings 120,000 dollars being treated in just one year along with my colonoscopy bag.
Why aren't we talking about that?? Oh my mother passed away at 54. Semper Fi