I love Benedict Cumberbatch and was very excited for this Dr. Strange sequel. I'm sad to say, however, that excitement was short lived. The darkness in this movie was taken too far, in my opinion. Spoiler alert: making Wanda the villain, the cameo appearances of "illuminati" (really?!) members, and the ease and gore with which these aforementioned members were dispatched during a particular scene were just a few of the disappointments. Huge spoiler alert: Dr. Strange possessing his own deceased body and summoning "spirits of the damned" that jump in your face . . . too far guys, just too far. We're in the horror movie genre now and I've never thought of Marvel that way - until now. Cumberbatch was great, as always, and I'm happy about that. But, folks, don't take your kids to see this unless you care to be up dealing with nightmares. Sad. 😥