How is this game getting 5 stars?
- Performance issues were never fixed. It’s still just as bad as it was at launch.
- Graphics aren’t up to other modern games by a mile. It’s really ugly.
- Gameplay itself is slow with random pauses. I do not find battling fun when it feels slow. (the PC boxes being the most slow).
- Open world is super empty
- Towns are ghost towns. No quests. No talking to NPC’s. Can’t even go into shops properly
- Customization is really bad as you’re forced into a uniform. Really ugly uniform at that. Hairstyles are also super ugly. No long hair options. The main character looks like a random NPC.
- Game is beyond easy even for Pokémon. The elite four is a joke.
- Team Star is also a joke. Worst team yet. Guessed the “twist” instantly.
- The gym battles use the tera gimmick wrong. If they’re an electric gym, they should be using an electric ace that changes type with tera. Instead they have a random Pokémon that Tera’s into electric typing…
- No battle tower
- No caves or interesting areas to explore
- No contests, secret bases, ribbons
- Raids are the only end game content and are meant for older ppl as you need to do IV’s and what not but the game itself is clearly made for 5 year olds with how easy and boring it is.
Gamefreak really did not care about this game and it shows. It is by far the worst Pokémon game to date.