I love the novel. I love Steven King. It’s only because of the abundance of excellent literature that King graces us with that I can even gripe at all. I just really wish that King could write dialogue for his characters that don’t sound like old men. Every character, from 17 year old Charlie to youngish Physical Therapist Mellisa Wilcox, talk like they are from the 50s. At one point Mellisa Wilcox says: “Grumpy old Gus isn’t he?…You can say that again Hoss, put it in lights…Everything is on the net” No one under 75 talks like that. “Put it in lights”?? Come on Mr. King, don’t you have kids and grandkids?
There are soooo many examples of these kinds of dialogue, but I am too lazy to look up more of them. I’m listening to the book in audio.
Again, I want to clarify that I am a fan and that this is a great book and I love it. I just think King is a little too comfortable leaning on language that comes naturally to him as a crusty old dude.