One of the best shows (or, rather, miniseries) ever created, hands down. It's a surrealist sci-fi adventure on the surface, and then layers are gradually peeled away until it becomes heart-wrenchingly apparent that it's ultimately about the very complicated relationship between well-intentioned and emotionally baggaged parents and their children, including Mrs. Davis and her users. But that's honestly just the tip of the iceberg because there are multiple themes brilliantly woven into the story and echoed throughout. It's deeply philosophical, and just plain quirky fun. No grit and gloom here, this is more of an uplifting and poignant exploration of love (or, in Mrs. Davis' case, as close as an AI can get to feeling and expressing love).
There are a couple of gory scenes, but nothing that isn't standard SFX nowadays. Nothing terrible happens to the cat, by the way, for all of you Does The Dog Die people. The cat is very happy and well taken care of throughout the show. There is a brief scene with a dead mouse and another with fish flopping around the deck of a ship (and the cat eating one of the fish). Spoiler below about the horse...
It's implied that the horse dies in an explosion and we see a giant crater where the horse was supposedly standing when explosives were detonated. If you must know the truth before you can watch the was all part of an elaborate ruse and the horse is very much alive and well.