If you like boring, allegedly detective shows with lots of plot holes and deplorable characters. Oh yeah, and you hate men. This show is for you. Evidently the show was created, not as as a true detective show, but was later renamed true Detective night country And it’s very obvious. My thoughts are that they created this show, realized it’s not very good and thought We can just add true detective to the name of the show and then we’ll get a bunch of people to watch it because true Detective (at least season one) is a great series. Additionally, it is very unfortunate that if you don’t like the story, or you Didn’t connect with the characters, or you thought the ending was a big middle finger to men (and it very clearly was) Then you have to be a toxic misogynist. It’s a very naïve and Ignorant response. To not listen to the fans is a great way to continue making shows that’s the majority of people don’t watch or want