OK, so this is definitly a Netflix social and poitical comentary. Where time travel is possible in order to stop a thought from becoming pervasive and destroying our society, Yea, who would not want that. I am certain it's release is timed and if we react positively to this movie more will be relesed over the course of the next year, this is how propaganda works. The thought machine.
The premise of the movie is that we must stop some evil from ever occuring, and they accomplish this by going back in time and stopping those who started the thought process which led to some sort of disaster in the future, it is left to our immagination and their guidene what this horror that must be stopped is. They chose the horror of the "White Nationalist" movement of the modern era, ignoring the fact the main ideas came over 100 hundred years before in the Anit-Belum South with the rise of the Southern Democrats. Ignoring the fact thet the modern "White Nationalist" movement of the 1970's was merely a response to the 1960's "Black Nationalist" movement. If they wanted to stop this thought of racial seperiority in Amarica ( the main focus of our hatred) then they should ahve gone back in time and stopped the Southern Democratic ( or the Democratic) party from ever gaining power.
This movie rely's on the fact that (self loathing) America has no sense of history, (self loathing) Amarica became progressive in the 1960's and any time before SLA1(Self Loathing America Year 1) does not exist, this is why this movie begins it's story from the beginning of self loathing america, or as near as possible. It worked then...why will it not work now?? BECAUSE YOU CANNOT ERRASE HISTORY!