It’s visually stunning. Some people are upset about a few of the casting choices. Through the first two episodes, the chosen actors have performed phenomenally. Criticisms about the character writing - from what I’ve seen - are unfounded. The plot is pretty good too. It’s a compelling story that provides viewers with enough depth and entertainment to merit the investment of time and emotion. When you make a show like this, you have to bridge the series for both fans of the novels and for those who have never read Tolkien. I first read The Hobbit at 8 years of age (22 years ago). I started reading The Fellowship the following year. I’ve read the Silmarillion as an adult. I mention all this to say that I’m aware of the lore and it’s brilliance. This show certainly does not cast aside reverence for the lore. Immutable purists will always find issue, but if you’re an open-minded viewer who loves LOTR or even just fantasy in general, I think you should check out this series.