To cut a long story short the Meg 2 was nonsense😵💫🥱 The plot and story line was all over the place. I can not fathom why the producers will spue out so much garbage. The advert marketing the Meg 2 actually made the movie. Producers these days are just about the $£ The box office makes!
This is why I did not like the movie:
1. The Story line was all over the place.🫨
2. The acting was lame and they made use of Cliche's from the First Meg. Yes we get it start using all of them and it sounds like you have nothing new to say.🤏🤏
3. Party Island....come on...🤣
4. Giant squid 🐙 lame🫣
5. CGI sub standard 💩
6. Unrealistic plots even though there where Megs and Dinosaurs around🤯
7. Lame story line...the main Villan just monologues all the time.💨
8. What a load of Sh@!!@T
9. Lame acting!
Hopefully Jason's next movie is not a POS!
I give this movie a 1 out of 10 rating and I will not see it again.