I loved the book. I just read it this year so I was like 😯 when I saw the series. This was a MAJOR disappointment.
They changed things that they shouldn't have and didn't focus enough on the background of Werner/Jutta. They didn't give enough screentime to Uncle Etienne who is effectively the plots main string...without which, we don't have the story. In my opinion we should have been drawn into the magic of 'The Professor' and spent more time of the story watching the characters as children so the watcher knew the point.
Also, they didn't even make the model house into the puzzle box like it was in the book.
This should have been 8-10 episode at least. I just feel like it could've been amazing bute they settled for vastly marketable and it's a disservice to the book. I do feel like Aria Mia Loberti was perfect for Marie.
The ending was so dumb and not at all how it happened. Just read the book.