I have played through the entire game unlike many others who have rated this a one star. This game is great the action is fantastic. The story is pretty damn good too. I have played all of it and I love this game. Joel has a very realistic demise and people who say other wise and just butt hurt. I love Joel just as much as the next guy but he dies and its realistic. There are many flashbacks and other things so no need to worry about not getting enough Joel in the game. The gameplay switches from Ellie to Abby multiple times and attempts to make you see that Abby is also just another person and that her motive is almost identical to Ellies in a quest for revenge. Ellie is mad and is going to kill her “father’s”or what she looks at to be her fathers killer. Abby’s motive was to avenge her Dad which Joel kills in TLOU 1. The gameplay is phenomenal and is very fun and worth to get the game alone. I get why people were mad about Joel’s death but it was not worth a 1 star like most of the people who rated the game.